Paranormal Activity tells a story of a student, and her boyfriend who move into a suburban home, where the couple becomes increasingly disturbed by a nightly demonic presence. It comes under the genre horror; and its mainly based on ghosts and hidden spirits around the house. We see a range of props being used throughout the trailer, especially during the clips where they are being attacked by the spirits; the main props are based around the bedroom; bed and door.
This is where most of the happening takes place. These props are used to create fear and tension along with enigma as we worry on what will happen to these characters that are being attacked. The costume worn in the film by the characters is mainly casual clothing. This represents how normal and comfortable these students were before they entered the house. There are many uses of lighting to create tension and fear for the viewer. Most of it is high key on the relevant images they wish to highlight out to us.
As it is a low budget we can see how there is not many special affects used. However form the trailers we can see how many of the events occur at night as it’s where they are sleeping therefore strong lighting is used, so it is clear to see what is going on. In the beginning the lighting is bright this emphasises the excitement of them moving into the house however towards the end it gradually dims down, just as there enthusiasm does. The setting is in a two-story tract house in suburban San Diego, California. Most of the main events occur within the bedroom, this is we witness the presence of the ghosts or spirit as we presume. As it is the bedroom it is quite typical to see how the spirits come out at ‘Night’.
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