In terms of characters we have strong idea on what we believe would make an effective main character.
After research about "what makes a good horror movie" we've seen an occouring theme about the main character and how they are the main focus with in the movie. Thus leading to the point that they should be able to convince the audience that they are genuinley scared/shocked/horrified about that has or is taking place within the movie, becuase of this the way "Alice" looks and is portrayed (as both antaganist and protaganist) is crucial to the success of the trailer.
Below are a few images/clips of what we inspire to achieve and what has helped us to mould the image of "Alice"
As the synopsis has explained there are two sides to Alice. The girl who is "normal" and loved by her father but then the trailer also reveals the "other side" her "alter"
So the image above has given us inpsiration to what the other side of Alice should look like.
*Pale eyes
*Dominant features
*Long, black hair Above is Christina Ricci (in her younger years) We believe that the look she portrays is key. She's not typically beuatiful yet not ugly in the slightest however her pale face, small features and dark hair for some reason seems to be perfect to be the abused, self harming, deranged Alice. Many horror movies/trailers that go down the same path we have (crazy child) have all used the stereotypicaly "scary" child which is extremely effective when conducted in a unique way.
I've extensivley researched into prostetic make up as I beleive that it would add something extra to the character and push the trailer that bit more to atucally make scary, and give the audience a reason to jump when they see Alice.
Below is a website of a supplier that we would look into when purchasing special effect kits in order to create a polished Alice.
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